Bucky::Liner is an autonomous paint co-bot developed by our team at Sonoma State University in the Electrical Engineering Department circa 2018-2019.
Bucky::Liner's is designed with a minimal time human set up time of 5 minutes. User prompts from LCD help with the relining process by including prompts for manually changing out up to 9 empty cans per field. Bucky aims to repaint lines on soccer fields as the soccer market is the largest of all sports. Our goal is to make the entry level autonomous grass painting world more accessible to a wider demographic than our expensive single competitor on the market today.
Bucky::Liner will be able to see the existing line on field with an on-board camera and follow this line while applying a fresh coat of paint on the fading line to help keep the soccer ball within defined bounds.
John Gonsalves: John is a student at SSU who enjoys electro-mechanical design and development including robotics, sensors, RF, cars, C++, Python, MATLAB, SolidWorks and MIT App Inventor. John also creates writing, arranging and performing live music as a multi-instrumentalist.
Sean Kavanagh: Sean is a student at SSU who enjoys programming Python, MATLAB, C++, building, testing and troubleshooting microcontroller circuits, working with ARM microprocessor, building experience.
Hao Wu: Hao is an exchange student from China. He enjoys soldering, MATLAB, C++, PIC and ARM microcontrollers and designing circuits. Hao also likes playing sports including basketball.
Dr. Don Estreich: Don earned his B.S in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.S and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University working at HP.
Dr. Sara Kassis: Dr. Kassis received her Ph.D in Condensed Matter Physics from Kent State University. Her experience includes over 10 years of teaching physics and engineering at various universities. Her research interests include materials engineering and characterization, nanomaterials, and low temperature physics.